FlyOver Iceland Equal Pay Policy

It is FlyOver Iceland's policy that all employees shall receive equal pay and enjoy equal terms of employment and rights for the same jobs or jobs of equal value in accordance with the Icelandic legislation on equal status and equal rights irrespective of gender, no. 150/2020. To ensure this FlyOver Iceland operates a certified equal pay system with the commitment to:

  • Implement a certified equal pay system based on the Equal pay standard ÍST 85, document and maintained the system, and continually improve the management of equal wage affairs.
  • Comply with the law, regulatory provisions, and wage agreements in force at any given time and confirm the company’s compliance with the law.
  • Conduct an annual internal appraisal of the pay system as well as a management review.
  • Perform a pay analysis at least once a year to monitor whether a difference in salaries is detected.
  • Present the main results of pay analysis to all employees.
  • Respond to unexplained differences in salaries through constant improvement.
  • Present the equal pay policy to all employees and make it available to the public.
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